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Bipolar mum of two, Alicia Quinn, reviews this new book

Mummy’s Got Bipolar
Sonia Mainstone-Cotton

This is the first book I’ve read of its kind, which pleases me a great deal. There has been a stigma surrounding mental illness for many years. Thankfully more and more people are now learning about the affects it can have on thousands of us each day.

Bipolar disorder is a challenging and often life changing illness which affects the sufferer and all who surround them. This will often include their children. ‘Mummy’s Got Bipolar’ explains the illness from a child’s perspective, in a gentle yet informative way.

The book focuses on a family; Mummy, Daddy, Sophie, Katie and their two guinea pigs Oscar and Percy. It highlights day to day life including when Mummy is ok, when she’s high and when she’s low.

It’s sympathetically written, with wisdom and a positive outlook. The quirky and animated illustrations compliment the story perfectly. I feel the book will let children know that their Mummy isn’t the only one who has bipolar and that it’s ok to talk about it.

An insightful book for children, which I also think many unaware adults could also benefit from.