News, events and schools' information for families across Bath and West Wiltshire

Mirror Mirror is coming to the egg theatre in Bath on 22 July, including a multi-sensory beauty parlour to give children and young people with complex disabilities the chance to be pampered and get involved in messy play.

Soft make-up brushes glide across faces, warm soapy water washes over skin and mud-packs are massaged into hands in an immersive, interactive treat. This production from Oily Cart Theatre present a world of sparkling light and magical mirrors, complemented by the aroma of perfume and accompanied by live music from a full-sized harp.

There are two performances, each varied to suit different audiences – at 11.30am, there is a relaxed performance for children on the autism spectrum, and a 3pm performance for children and young people with PMLD (Profound and multiple learning disabilities). The egg’s rehearsal space will be available through the day as a break-out and quiet lunch space for audience members, to make the visit to the theatre as relaxed as possible.

Oily Cart have spent over 35 years taking theatre for children into schools, theatres and community spaces, specializing in highly interactive, immersive productions for very young children and those with profound and complex learning disabilities.

Tickets are available now from the egg reception on 01225 823409 or online at . Please contact reception for information and access to the rehearsal space.