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This term, The Paragon School’s Year 4 pupils have been learning all about the Vikings and were lucky enough to enjoy an action-packed day with an historical expert.

The expert came into school to impart his knowledge on the rituals, weapons, humour, games and language. The children dressed appropriately for the occasion and were fully absorbed in all the facts and activities. Looking at weapons and armour of the time was a particular highlight of the day!

The topic has spanned both the history and English topics. In English writing, the children have been writing historical stories using the appropriate place names, words, farming traditions, housing and typical characters of the era. They have developed their own saga style plots, heavy on revenge and goriness – very appealing to eight and nine year olds! Saga stories often reflected gritty reality, about migration to Iceland and of feuds between Icelandic families.

Year 4 teachers Miss McGuire and Mr Hinde have been very impressed with the pupil’s work and are going to send the children’s saga stories to Icelandic friends of Mr Hinde’s who live in Reykjavik and are devotees of the saga genre. They will be assessing the authenticity of the children’s stories. The pupils look forward to hearing back from them!