The first ever UK museum exhibition of internationally renowned artist and internet sensation, Mr Doodle. Primarily characterised by black ink on a white backgr...
A survey of Moore’s sculptural output from his earliest works through to his last years, in which nothing is more than 30cm in size. The first exhibition of its...
A survey of Moore’s sculptural output from his earliest works through to his last years, in which nothing is more than 30cm in size. The first exhibition of its...
Free admission for families during half-term (26 October – 3 November) and a ‘Fantastical Tails’ gallery trail inspired by the wonderful creatures and animals i...
The first ever UK museum exhibition of internationally renowned artist and internet sensation, Mr Doodle. Primarily characterised by black ink on a white backgr...
A survey of Moore’s sculptural output from his earliest works through to his last years, in which nothing is more than 30cm in size. The first exhibition of its...
A survey of Moore’s sculptural output from his earliest works through to his last years, in which nothing is more than 30cm in size. The first exhibition of its...
Free admission for families during half-term (26 October – 3 November) and a ‘Fantastical Tails’ gallery trail inspired by the wonderful creatures and animals i...
The first ever UK museum exhibition of internationally renowned artist and internet sensation, Mr Doodle. Primarily characterised by black ink on a white backgr...
A survey of Moore’s sculptural output from his earliest works through to his last years, in which nothing is more than 30cm in size. The first exhibition of its...
A survey of Moore’s sculptural output from his earliest works through to his last years, in which nothing is more than 30cm in size. The first exhibition of its...
Free admission for families during half-term (26 October – 3 November) and a ‘Fantastical Tails’ gallery trail inspired by the wonderful creatures and animals i...
Watch Mr Doodle drawing ‘live’ as he completes the final leg of his doodle installation on the Holburne cafe windows. If you feel inspired then join in to enjoy...
A survey of Moore’s sculptural output from his earliest works through to his last years, in which nothing is more than 30cm in size. The first exhibition of its...
A survey of Moore’s sculptural output from his earliest works through to his last years, in which nothing is more than 30cm in size. The first exhibition of its...
The first ever UK museum exhibition of internationally renowned artist and internet sensation, Mr Doodle. Primarily characterised by black ink on a white backgr...
Free admission for families during half-term (26 October – 3 November) and a ‘Fantastical Tails’ gallery trail inspired by the wonderful creatures and animals i...