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Bathampton Primary School has come through its first Ofsted inspection since 2010 with flying colours.

The two inspectors who visited the village school in January found it to be Good in all areas, stating that pupils were happy and safe, and enjoyed learning.

They were impressed with the pride and positive attitudes of the children, who take their responsibilities seriously. This includes the activity ambassadors who organise games at lunchtimes that help pupils play together well and the pupil ‘leadership crew’ who ‘say they help make the school a better place’.

‘Through discussions and debates, pupils develop the language to respond to differences of opinion appropriately. Pupils listen carefully and show each other and adults respect,’ the Ofsted report noted.

The inspectors rated the 191-pupil school, which joined Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust in 2018, as Good in the categories of quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision. 

‘Leaders, including trustees and governors, and staff have a shared ambition for pupils’ learning. Changes made by leaders across the school have had a positive impact on the quality of education,’ the report said.

Ofsted highlighted a number of the school’s strengths, including:

  • A detailed and clearly sequenced curriculum;
  • Clear plans for the education children in each class are entitled to receive;
  • Good support that enables children with special educational needs or disability to succeed;
  • Successful work to help some children recognise and manage their feelings;
  • Effective safeguarding.

To improve further, the school needed to develop the role of some subject leaders so they could quickly support teachers to identify gaps in children’s knowledge, the inspectors said.

Head of School, Naomi Boyce, said, “The report is recognition for the huge amount of hard work done by everyone in our school community to make it such a happy and welcoming place. I was especially proud of our children who demonstrated their leadership qualities and sense of responsibility, fantastic skills which will serve them well in later life.”

Executive Headteacher, Joe Beament, added, “We are very pleased with this report and that the inspection teams saw what I see every day – happy and enthusiastic children that are provided with a great education from our team. As a school we have lots more exciting develops planned as we strive to ensure even greater success in the future!”