An education provider is in place and the finishing touches are being made so Melksham House can take on a new identity as a school for special educational needs this Autumn.
Brunel Education, a subsidiary company of Brunel Academies Trust which already operates three schools in Wiltshire, Exeter House, St Marks and Wyndham Park, will be the education provider for the new school for up to 45 primary aged and up to 25 places for secondary age young people for an agreed period based on demand.
The opening of the school will ensure more children and young people can stay local rather than being bussed out to out of county placements or having Education Other Than in School packages of support.
There is currently no specialist primary school provision for children who have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) in Wiltshire. There is also an increasing number of secondary age children with an EHCP who require a specialist provision to support their needs, including children and young people who experience anxiety.
The town landmark has undergone a period of refurbishment to transform into a school which can provide nine classes and spaces for activities. Community members had an opportunity to look around the building this week.
Jackie Fieldwick, CEO of Brunel Education, said, “Brunel are truly excited about working with the Melksham community in this new chapter of Melksham House. Melksham House will provide a fabulous learning environment for some of our most disadvantaged children as they grow into active members of their community.
“We would welcome any contribution from the local community about how we can work together, Brunel and Melksham, doing it differently together.”
The new school will help bring down the number of pupils who have to attend Independent Special School places, out of county that are costly. Current spend on the Independent Special School places accounts for 6% of SEND pupils but 23% of cost of provision overall.