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Ian Waller enjoys a trip across the roads, highways and history of America, from Kerouac to Easy Rider and beyond

There’s something uniquely romantic about the classical American road trip – setting off along Route 66 to explore the states of America, perhaps on a pair of Harleys, at the wheel of Cadillac or simply on the backseat of a Greyhound bus.

While it’s a well trodden path, It remains the dream for many would-be travellers and if you’re looking for a glimpse of what it’s meant for travellers over the years, the wonderful American Road Trip exhibition at the American Museum & Gardens is the perfect place to start.

Running until 31 December 2024, American Road Trip explores the cultures and stories of those who have been there before, from the poor families desperately loading their belongings on a truck to seeking work during the Great Depression of the 1930, through the tales of Steinbeck and Jack Kerouac, to the cultural glamour of diners and sleek American muscle cars.

Along the way, popular culture has its say, with films from Easy Rider to Thelma and Louise and even National Lampoon’s Vacation offer a skew-whiff view of life on the road. Each one is featured in this exhibition, as well as few more you might not be so familiar with, all playing their part is creating the legend of life on the road.

What this exhibition also unveils is the oft-overlooked price of the American Road Trip, such as the fact that Route 66, for all its stories and cultural significance, saw its construction tear through the lands of more than 25 tribal nations, while signs declaring ‘no dogs, no Indians’ were often hung outside the businesses along its way.

Along the way, this American Road Trip offers the chance to plan your own road trip, get up close to a 1958 Harley Davidson Duo Glide motorcycle, dress up for the trip and check out the memorabilia that you just might find along the way.

American Road Trip is a enjoyable and educational visitor experience, and helps makes a summer holiday family day out at the American Museum & Gardens even more enjoyable.

For more details and to book tickets, go to