Bath City Football Club is looking for clubs, classes and activities who would like to become the new tenants for its Charlie’s/Randall’s space at its Twerton Park headquarters in Bath. The space was previously used by the CrossFit gym and is now available for a new users.
“The space really is incredibly flexible, having been used for everything from a gym to a car, disco, live music venue, party venue, cinema and even seances!” said Carol Banwell, the General Manager at Bath City. “It’s available all week round, with arrangements made for the few occasions when we need the bar space for football.
“The light and airy rooms can operate as a single space or divided in two and feature a kitchen, two sets of WCs, level access and three entry points. The site is based in Twerton BA2, outside the Clean Air Zone (CAZ), next to a convenience store and easily accessible to major A-roads and the M4, as well as a regular bus route from the city centre, a flat cycle ride or walk and trains into Oldfield Park. Superfast broadband and an alcohol licence add to the benefits of the site.”
Prices vary according to type of use and time of day. Longer-term occupancy is based on £12 per square foot, inclusive of all utilities, while the hourly rates for simple hire start at £20ph.
For more details contact Carol on email hidden; JavaScript is required and 0771 1446639.