Fairytales meet a Victorian Christmas in this immersive storytelling experience, perfect for both the young and the young at heart. Discover the three bears' Ch...
The house will be dressed with festive decorations from seven different eras from Tudor times right up to the 20th century including a new 1980s room filled wit...
Frenchay Forestry will be selling their Christmas trees in the Aerospace Bristol car park and as a special offer, anyone who purchases a tree can claim 15% off ...
The house will be dressed with festive decorations from seven different eras from Tudor times right up to the 20th century including a new 1980s room filled wit...
Frenchay Forestry will be selling their Christmas trees in the Aerospace Bristol car park and as a special offer, anyone who purchases a tree can claim 15% off ...
Frenchay Forestry will be selling their Christmas trees in the Aerospace Bristol car park and as a special offer, anyone who purchases a tree can claim 15% off ...
An array of workshops, live music, film screenings, and a thought-provoking art exhibition to raise funds for the Amos Trust, while also offering the opportunit...
An array of workshops, live music, film screenings, and a thought-provoking art exhibition to raise funds for the Amos Trust, while also offering the opportunit...
An array of workshops, live music, film screenings, and a thought-provoking art exhibition to raise funds for the Amos Trust, while also offering the opportunit...
An array of workshops, live music, film screenings, and a thought-provoking art exhibition to raise funds for the Amos Trust, while also offering the opportunit...
Suitable for 8-13 year olds focused around current collections and exhibitions to look at archaeology, history, natural history and art, and take part in practi...
An array of workshops, live music, film screenings, and a thought-provoking art exhibition to raise funds for the Amos Trust, while also offering the opportunit...
Stonehenge is famous for its alignments with the sun, but did you know that the ancient monument may have also been carefully designed to align with the movemen...
Stonehenge is famous for its alignments with the sun, but did you know that the ancient monument may have also been carefully designed to align with the movemen...
Stonehenge is famous for its alignments with the sun, but did you know that the ancient monument may have also been carefully designed to align with the movemen...
Stonehenge is famous for its alignments with the sun, but did you know that the ancient monument may have also been carefully designed to align with the movemen...
Create a mini matchbox portrait with a bit of bling, taking inspiration from the exhibition ’Being There’. Suitable for ages 5+ years. Sessions run 1115am-1215p...
Make a Georgian style family portrait in clay relief inspired by the exhibition ‘Being There’. Suitable for ages 5+ years. Sessions run 10-11am and 1-2pm. Free ...
Stonehenge is famous for its alignments with the sun, but did you know that the ancient monument may have also been carefully designed to align with the movemen...
Escaping on a Kindertransport train, one small Czech-Jewish girl embarks on a mighty adventure. Crossing between the past and present, Babi travels across Europ...
Escaping on a Kindertransport train, one small Czech-Jewish girl embarks on a mighty adventure. Crossing between the past and present, Babi travels across Europ...