A monthly showcase of the finest up-and-coming UK comedy talent hosted by Jeremy Flynn, and featurinf a circuit headliner cand four rising stand-up. The newly r...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...
A monthly showcase of the finest up-and-coming UK comedy talent hosted by Jeremy Flynn, and featurinf a circuit headliner cand four rising stand-up. The newly r...
The Poldark Show Presents El Mistico, a never-before-seen event, bringing magic, mind reading and comedy hypnosis together, is coming to Komedia in Bath on Tue...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...
A special celebration of carnival cultures, diversity and local talent. Live music, food and drink, street procession, children's entertainment with Super Pirat...
Edinburgh Fringe favourites, Degrees of Error create a classic murder mystery on-the-spot with an original improvised comedy production. The audience is the aut...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...
An opportunity to see three stand-up acts along with a compere - from familiar faces to rising stars, different performers every week. In addition, tickets incl...