News, events and schools' information for families across Bath and West Wiltshire

School children from three primary schools in Trowbridge have been celebrating safer walking, cycling and scooting routes to and from school along Hilperton Road on a special walk to school day.

Wiltshire Council has recently completed work on a new walking and cycling scheme on Hilperton Road in Trowbridge, which enables children from around the area to make safer, journeys to school and from school on foot, or by bike or scooter.

The scheme offers segregated facilities for all pedestrians and cyclists, as well as several new, safer crossings plus a new cycle track. It helps to link to the Trowbridge cycle network, making it easier and safer for cyclists to get around the town and leave their cars at home.

Pupils from Bellefield Primary, Paxcroft Primary and Castle Mead Primary were urged to ‘bling their ride’ and add decorations to their shoes, bike or scooter, as they and their parents left the car at home for the day.

The day was chosen because it falls into Living Streets’ walk to school week, and as part of making children safer, the council is working with Sustrans, which provided scooter training sessions for some of the school children.

Gemma Brooks, reception teacher at Paxcroft Primary School, said, “We have had lots of fun taking part in this event. As a school we encourage our children to make healthier choices, including walking or riding to school if they can.

“Some of our families will use the Hilperton Road to get to school, so it is great that they will be able to make use of the new, safe cycle route.”