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Lee Browne of Browne Gas And Heating of Bath has 30 years of experience as a gas engineer. This means he’s seen just about every problem that family can face in their home. For Lee, however, one of the most important considerations is making sure that a heating system is serviced and ready for the demands of winter.

“As the dad of two small children, I know how crucial it is that a family home is safe and warm, particularly during the winter months,” said Lee. “And to make sure that your family home fits the bill, it’s crucial that you have your gas heating serviced regularly.

A boiler service must be carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer

“It is essential to have your gas appliances serviced every 12 months. There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, it’s to make sure everything is working safely and efficiently. A careful service from a qualified and professional gas engineer will catch any leaks and potential faults before they become serious, making sure that a system is working safely and efficiently.

“In addition, a well serviced boiler that’s working efficiently will allow you to keep energy costs low, whilst reducing environmental impact and your carbon footprint. It can also mean fewer breakdowns, as well as extending the life of your boiler and validate your guarantee.

“The clear benefits of this is that you’re not wasting energy, which will keep your bills down, cut the risk of breakdowns and – of course – you’re keeping your family and home safe.

“Forgetting to book in a gas heating service could well create a whole heap of problems, from blockages causing boiler lockouts, waters, gas leaks, plus the real danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.

“And don’t forget that a boiler service must be carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer.”

To book Lee in for your boiler service, call him on 07899 817 904 or email email hidden; JavaScript is required.