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An inspector who visited St Saviour’s Infant School in Bath has praised the way the school’s “distinctly Christian vision” and use of the parable of the Good Samaritan had shaped an accessibly-worded Caring Code that children could understand and articulate.

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report was carried out by David Hatrey, who carried out a visit to the school, which has 149 pupils aged two to 11, in October.

The report added that the behaviour and attitudes of the children, who follow the school’s ‘Caring Code’, contribute to a culture of inclusion, which means that St Saviour’s lives up to its foundation as a church school.

Photo: Anna Barclay

‘The vision addresses the needs of the community by creating an inclusive school family, where all are valued, meeting their different needs,’ the SIAMS report said.

‘The school nurtures families, enabling all to flourish and feel valued.’

 Mr Hatrey praised the cohesive staff team and the knowledgeable and dedicated governors. He also noted the strong provision for pupils with special educational and health needs or disabilities (SEND) and the effective support for mental health and wellbeing.

‘As a result of the way that the Christian vision is lived out, the school is a warm place of welcome for all. This inclusive culture is transformational, changing lives, notably of those who are refugees. The quality of provision for outdoor learning is equally impressive. These approaches provide rich opportunities for pupils to interact, develop leadership skills and make new friends.’

Photo: Anna Barclay

The sharing of this work, the inspector commented, meant that the impact of the vision was felt in the wider community, enabling others to thrive.

The report highlighted the well-sequenced curriculum for religious education, which was said to extend children’s knowledge and understanding. The variety of approaches to collective worship was also praised, although it was suggested that more opportunities should be provided for pupils to take an active role.

‘Pupils show a good understanding of festivals from a number of faiths, talking thoughtfully about the Christian celebration of Christmas,’ the inspector noted. 

St Saviour’s Infant School is part of the Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust, whose approach impressed Mr Hatrey. 

‘The way that the trust enhances the nurturing culture of the school is hugely significant,’ he reported. ‘It grows leaders, guides innovations, provides curriculum support and offers focused evaluations. The school contributes to the trust, notably through expertise in special educational needs, leadership and curriculum support. They effectively nurture other communities.’

Joe Beament, Executive Headteacher, said, “St Saviour’s Infant School is a caring community where all are welcomed and we are delighted that this has been recognised in our latest SIAMS report. Our children, staff and governors demonstrated to the inspector that they are inspiring the children so they can make difference and be the best that they can be. I am so proud of them all.”

Sophie Hunt, Head of School, added, “At St Saviours we truly put the child first valuing every child’s voice. It’s great that the inspector was able to see this through the children’s relationships with each other and in their positive attitude to their learning and how even at this young age children recognise the impact that their voice can have on those around them. Children that attend our schools are listened to, valued and have an excellent education.”