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St Philip’s Church of England Primary School in Bath was recently visited by inspector Daphne Spitzer for its Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report, which states ‘pupils enjoy their learning and highly value their time at school’. 

SIAMS’ inspections place emphasis on a church school’s Christian vision on both pupils and adults in the school community. Inspectors request to engage with important individuals and groups including pupils, staff, senior leaders, parents and clergy. Apart from scheduled discussions with these individuals and groups, the inspector is also likely to have informal conversations throughout the day.

St Philip’s was found to have a ‘warm, caring community’, with the vision and values of the school promoting the pupils to ‘flourish by living life in all its fullness.’ The pupils spoke in ‘animation’ about how the school culture allows them to ‘dream of the possibilities they might achieve.’ Pupils also speak highly of ‘the importance of their relationships with peers’ and understand that this ‘enables them to enjoy life and help others to do so.’  

Due to the ‘motivating and challenging’ curriculum being delivered by their teachers, pupils were found to be ‘fully engaged’ with the ability to ‘reflect deeply and critically explore their own beliefs’. Not only this, ‘pupils demonstrate a deep love of the subject particularly valuing the opportunities provided to learn about a wide range of beliefs and world faiths including Christianity.’

Because the pupils are driven to learn and produce change, they have a variety of responsibilities throughout the school including ‘House Captains, Eco council, School council and monitors.’

The report adds that the pupils of St Philip’s are also a positive influence in their local community, with their key values of ‘Friendship, Kindness, Perseverance, Respect, Honesty and Hope’, intertwined with the British values of ‘Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance’ setting the high standard the pupils hold themselves accountable to.

Mr Joy, Headteacher at St Philip’s C of E Primary School, said, “I am delighted that our school, our children and our incredible staff have been recognised in such a positive light in our latest SIAMS report. Our collaborative approach and commitment as a team has created a caring and vibrant culture where everyone feels safe and able to succeed.   
“The pupils the inspector met and observed during her, visit showed a real pride in their school and I was incredibly proud of them and their behaviour and learning they demonstrated. I would like to thank all the pupils, parents, carers, staff and governors for their continued support and dedication to our school.

“As acknowledged in the report, we have a ‘warm, caring community’, with the vision and values of the school promoting the pupils to ‘flourish by living life in all its fullness.’”

SIAMS report key findings:

  • Leaders demonstrate a clear understanding of the Christian vision of the school and the way it is underpinned through biblical teaching.  
  • A well-known set of school Christian values, rooted in the vision, creates a deeply supportive caring culture. As a result, the wellbeing of all is prioritised and adults and pupils treat each other well.  
  • Collective worship, shaped by the school’s Anglican foundation, is at the heart of daily life. It provides meaningful moments for all to flourish spiritually.  
  • Very effective leadership in religious education (RE) has established a challenging and relevant curriculum which enhances pupils’ learning. As a result, pupils enjoy learning RE and this has a positive impact on their understanding of a range of faiths, including Christianity.  
  • The words of the vision that all ‘are uniquely created and loved by God’, shapes a culture of inclusion and equity. Carefully planned support for pupils considered to be vulnerable ensures all are treated well and have the opportunity to flourish.