News, events and schools' information for families across Bath and West Wiltshire

St Nicolas’ Church in Winsley has donated an apple tree to Winsley C of E Primary school as part of its Harvest Festival. For the Harvest service, the children were joined by over 40 friends and family members who bought in various food donations to be given to the Bradford Upon Avon foodbank to help the most vulnerable in the community. The children then re-enacted and recounted the biblical parable which underpins Winsley C of E Primary school’s vision, the parable of The Sower. It was a lively and vibrant celebration of thanksgiving, and an apt way to celebrate the beginning of the autumnal season.

To mark this special occasion, St Nicolas Church donated an apple tree to the school so that children could watch it grow as the academic year progresses. The apples can then be harvested and used as part of the curriculum, from science to design technology and cooking.

Ross Wolverson, Headteacher of Winsley C of E Primary School, said, “We are incredibly grateful for our partnership with St Nicolas Church and look forward to seeing this apple tree grow and flourish. Our children will be able to then harvest apples from this tree every year and learn more about nature, harvest and the gift of giving to others.”

To find out more about Winsley C of E primary school you can go to their website follow them on Twitter @WinsleySchool and on Instagram Winsleycofeprimaryschool