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The Manor School in Melksham has been awarded a ‘Good’ rating in its 2022 SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) Report.

SIAMS inspections are carried out by the Church of England and are mandatory for all Church of England and Methodist schools in England. Applying to thousands of schools across the country, all SIAMS inspections ask the same question, ‘How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?’

The report highlights published by inspectors mentioning the schools ‘influential contribution to the local community,’ whilst also praising The Manor’s curriculum, describing lesson plans as ‘carefully constructed, so the diverse needs of all are effectively met.’

Inspectors go on to talk about the Christian values within the school: ‘The language of Christian values is used consistently, pupils explain how courage and responsibility support their learning. Prestigious butterfly awards celebrate pupils who use values and have gone beyond expectations.’

They went on further to compliment the relationships and behaviour between pupils and how they strive towards ‘making a positive difference to others.’

‘There is a secure understanding of forgiveness, based upon Jesus’ teachings, which pupils use to resolve problems. The school makes an impressive contribution to supporting the local community, through nurture and a range of practical activities. It has a significant reputation for the welcome it gives to all, meeting diverse needs.’

‘Pupils appreciate that having ‘life in all its fullness’ means making a positive difference to others. The importance of relationships, shaped by Christian values is firmly established. This has seen the quality of pupils’ behaviour rise significantly, the majority show dignity and respect to one another. Older pupils see themselves as role models.’

Newly appointed Principal, Michael Park, said, “We are extremely grateful to our staff and pupils for this amazing achievement. It is hugely encouraging to have our efforts recognised by the Church of England and their SIAMS Inspectors. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for The Manor School.”