News, events and schools' information for families across Bath and West Wiltshire

Four classes at Batheaston Church School recently enjoyed a visit from Dr Aleks Domanski, a renowned cinematographer and nature specialist. Dr Domanski visited Batheaston to explore and study the eco-systems present within the school grounds and pond. Pupils had the unique opportunity to closely observe and investigate pond life, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the diverse array of organisms that inhabit the school environment.

Under the guidance of Dr Domanski, pupils engaged in collecting samples from the pond and then conducted detailed analysis using advanced microscopes. This hands-on experience allowed them to identify various species of pond life and sparked their curiosity within the local ecosystem.

The visit also served as a platform for the pupils to reflect upon their immediate surroundings and consider factors that hinder the thriving of wildlife. Through fruitful discussions with Dr Domanski, they explored the effects of pollution, urban development and other environmental challenges that impact the biodiversity of the area.

“This amazing learning opportunity ignited a strong motivation among pupils to think about a scientific career as part of the school’s vision of Dream, Aspire, Achieve,” said Sally Jefferies, Head Teacher at Batheaston Church School. “It also enabled them to understand the importance of working towards creating a healthier and more sustainable world.”

One Year 1 pupils summer up the visit by saying, “It was the best day I have ever had!”