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Pupils ‘grow in love for learning, each other and the world around them’ – that’s the conclusion of a church inspector who visited Batheaston Church School this month.

The SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspector said the ‘inspirational leadership of the headteacher and staff have created a culture of exceptional care and support which lives out the school’s Christian vision – Dream, Aspire, Achieve’.

In delivering a verdict of ‘Good’, Inspector Daphne Spitzer praised both the school’s spiritual life as well as the wider curriculum and the opportunities offered to the 185 pupils. This, she said, was helping the children develop high aspirations, supported by staff and headteacher Sally Jefferies.

‘Pupils describe with passion and animation how they aspire to fulfil their dreams,’ the report continues. ‘They recognise the vision’s very positive impact on their attitudes and behaviour. Leaders have the highest aspirations for their pupils.’

‘The school’s creative curriculum is an expression of its vision enabling all to flourish. Opportunities across the curriculum are maximised to develop pupils’ wide range of talents and interests. In this way, pupils are empowered to aspire to dream of possibilities that they might achieve.

‘The curriculum is inspiring, engaging and fully focussed on meeting the needs of all pupils, including those identified as disadvantaged or vulnerable.

‘Consequently, pupils enjoy their learning and value their time at school. A strong feature of the school is the way the grounds are used exceptionally well for a wide variety of enriching learning activities. Examples of these include quiet calming reflective spaces, highly imaginative play areas, dipping in the large pond and outside learning.’

There was particular praise for the way in which children develop strong relationships with each other, particularly between younger and older pupils.

The inspector added:

  • The strong partnership between the school, diocese and Bath and Wells Multi Academy trust (MAT) has created a vibrant learning community promoted by the vision.
  • Healthy relationships are promoted well by the school’s relationships education curriculum which reflects the vision.
  • Leaders’ support for staff wellbeing creates an open culture where all are supported in practical and compassionate care. As a result, staff morale is high.
  • The school’s value of respect is strongly promoted and has a good impact. As a result, pupils engage in exploring the big questions about life, listen to one another’s’ views and learn to disagree well.

Sally Jefferies, headteacher at the school, said, “We are so pleased that the inspector recognised how our vision ‘Dream Aspire Achieve’ is lived out by all our children.

“As a staff team we are inspired ourselves to give the children the very best opportunities to cultivate their individual talents, and much of this is how we create an atmosphere where pupils are empowered to express their views and to listen to others, for example the use of ‘Big Questions’.

“We also place great emphasis on kindness and understanding difference which is so important in preparing pupils for life in secondary school and beyond.”