News, events and schools' information for families across Bath and West Wiltshire

Fun Science, which supplies science-based workshops, parties and assemblies for children, is celebrating its eighth birthday.

Back in November 2011, Bath Spa graduate Cressida Bullock ran the first ever Fun Science party, an Amazing Electrics party for two, eight-year-old boys at their home in Bath. Eight years on, and ‘Chemical Cress’ is running parties and events across the South West, as well as having branches in Cheshire, Dorset, West Lancs, Bury/Rochdale, Sunderland, Shropshire, Glasgow and Sheffield, as well as a new one in Switzerland!

“Looking back, it’s great to see how far we’ve come,” said Cressida. “My first aim with Fun Science was to run after-school clubs but initially it was difficult to get schools to notice us and, perhaps understandably, no one wanted to take a chance on a new business.

“I had to change things around a bit and started doing school fairs and charity events to gain some experience and get our name known in the local area. This gave me the credibility to be able to then approach schools and we now run after school clubs in 30 schools in and around Bath, which are all well attended and very popular.

“All these years later I still get the same buzz when I travel to a birthday party, wondering what the children will be like, which experiments will be most popular and getting excited about meeting a new group of children. I love meeting the birthday child and all the friends and family members that are special to them and making sure they have the best possible party”

Fun Science now offers a choice of parties including a Crazy Chemical Celebration complete with explosions, slime, bubbles and colour changing pictures, and Fantastic Physics including sending electricity through the birthday boy/girl’s nose, raising our hair on the Van de Graaff generator, smoke rings and a rocket launch. In addition, the team also supplies regular workshops, after-school clubs and holiday clubs.

“I feel privileged to have had a part in so many children’s lives and to have heard so many children tell me that, because of a Fun Science club or party, they now want to be a scientist when they grow up,” added Cress. “I am also delighted to have been able to help so many new branch owners achieve their dreams of starting up a business working with children. I can’t wait to run even more sessions and meet more children next year.”

Fun Science also offers free assemblies to all primary schools based in Bath, most of Wiltshire and surrounding area.