Supported by the Natasha Lewis foundation to offer free sessions for girls to try football and have some fun. Suitable for girls aged 5-10 years; booking online...
OFSTED, the government's Office for Standards in Education, recently judged St Mark's School in Bath as 'Good'. This follows on from a SIAMS inspection in Dece...
St Mark’s School in Bath is celebrating a glowing SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report.
In addition to school Ofsted inspec...
St Mark’s School in Bath was buzzing recently with activity when it held its annual St Mark’s Day Careers Fair. The school filled with visitors who gave careers...
The students of St Mark's School in Bath made their voices heard this afternoon in a spirited and enthusiastic demonstration in support of the climate strikes b...
Milo Martin, a Year 9 pupil at St Mark's School in Bath, has won a competition to design the club badge for the supporters' club of Larkhall Athletic Football C...