News, events and schools' information for families across Bath and West Wiltshire

Abbot Alphege Academy in Bath is running a ‘Getting Ready For School’ session to help parents and carers prepare themselves and their children who are starting school for the first time. The event is designed to offer any number of hints and tips, as well as information about what schools expect of their new reception children.

“We know that when your child starts school for the first time, it can be an exciting and nerve-racking time for parents,” said Mrs Vicky Dupras, Headteacher. “We wanted to provide a session where we let parents know what practical skills schools expect young children to be able to do when they start school.

“We also want to give parents reassurance that support is available if their child is not quite there yet, and offer support and advice for parents as they start thinking about their child starting school.”

The session take place on Thursday 6 October at 10am at Abbot Alphege Academy. Please call the school office on 01225 580281 or email email hidden; JavaScript is required to book your place.