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Voices for Life is running a competition, open to all primary school children aged 5-11, to help write a new song which will be performed at Bath Abbey!

Voices For Life is a Bath-based charity enabling primary school children to experience fun opportunities and express themselves through music, alongside building their self-esteem, confidence and wellbeing.

Inspired by the words of young people, lyricist Sue Curtis has written lyrics inspired by the theme of shining a light on children’s uniqueness. Entries to the competition are invited to compose a short melody (tune) to accompany the words. The winner will get to work with a professional composer Jools Scott to turn their melody into a full song to be performed in Bath Abbey in June 2023.

To take part, visit to download the lyrics. Entries can be submitted in any format – written, recorded, played on the piano or sung.

The entries will then be judged by Jools Scott, Sue Curtis, children’s author Jamila Gavin, and cellist and composer Shena Power.

Finished melodies need to be submitted through the website by 23rd January 2023 to be in with a chance of working with Jools to create the next Voices for Life original song.