News, events and schools' information for families across Bath and West Wiltshire

Five team members from the three The Power of Play nurseries in and around Bath were recently given the opportunity to visit a Nursery in Finland and witness how they incorporate outdoor learning and run their forest activities. 

The visit was arranged for carers from the Neston Farm Children’s Nursery, and The Power of Play and Oldfield Park Children’s Nursery in Bath, with the team given the chance to integrate with the culture and local community, and learn about their childcare methods.

 “When we approached the setting, we noted straightaway how the children’s resilience to the weather and outdoor environment was impeccable,” said nursery administrator Alice Garbutt. “This was especially surprising as all the team were finding it hard to stay on their feet in the icy conditions!”

The team’s morning was spent in the local forest, with children and staff interacting with the natural environment. As well as being enjoyable for everyone taking part, it allowed a fresh view on how children reach and enjoy their surroundings.

The team was then asked to explain what they took from the experience.

“I would like to focus on building the children’s resilience by giving them the chance to take part in ‘risky’ play and problem solving,” said Jess J.

“I loved the way the children transitioned from the garden to the inside space – it felt very un-rushed. The children were given independence and time to calmly carry out their own dressing and care routines. I want to bring this back to our setting and make getting ready for outdoor play a more focused and relaxed transition.” Sarah F.

“I liked the simplicity… children don’t need lots of things, they can do incredible things with just their imaginations!” Victoria K.

“I loved the independence and preparation. The warmth and space given to the children was also something that stood out to me too.” Kelly S.

“I liked the free flow and mix of older children and the younger children. The older children took time to guide and support the younger ones on their trip showing patience and encouragement.” Alice G.